Notification regarding the public expense for public purpose, for missing khasra numbers of Scheme Dividing Sector 90-91 in village Sohana and Lakhnaur Tehsil Mohali, District S.A.S Nagar.

Notification regarding the public expense for public purpose, for missing khasra numbers of Scheme Dividing Sector 90-91 in village Sohana and Lakhnaur Tehsil Mohali, District S.A.S Nagar. 

List of services under Punjab Transparency and Accountability Commission with time lines

List of services under Punjab Transparency and Accountability Commission with time lines 

Regulations of Unauthorized Construction within the Municipal Limits

Regulations of Unauthorized Construction within the Municipal Limits

Road-reservation along Scheduled Roads/Bye-Pass

Road-reservation along Scheduled Roads/Bye-Pass

Prescription of Building Lines along Scheduled Roads and Bye-pass

Prescription of Building Lines along Scheduled Roads and Bye-pass

Building Committee for Approval of Building Plans in FEZ

Building Committee for Approval of Building Plans in FEZ

Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab (Regarding Amendment of Building Rules)

Department of Housing & Urban Development, Punjab (Regarding Amendment of Building Rules)

Exemption under Section 44(2) of the PAPR, Act 1995

Exemption under Section 44(2) of the PAPR, Act 1995

Extension of Scheduled Road at Sr.No.13

Extension of Scheduled Road at Sr.No.13

Policy Change of Land use of Industrial Units under Industrial Policy, 2003

Policy Change of Land use of Industrial Units under Industrial Policy, 2003